Next conference:
June 10-13, 2025 | Copenhagen

Wind Turbine Noise 2023

Conference Programme

Updated 9th June 2023

A Summary of the programme is below. You can download a PDF of the whole programme here We hope this will be the final programme but minor changes are possible.

All times are Dublin - UTC+1


Day Start End Subject Chair/Moderator
Tuesday 17:00 19:00 Registration at the Venue
18:00 21:00 Join us for a drink and snack at O'Neills Bar
Wednesday 08:15 Registration at the Venue - Coffee etc
09:30 Opening of Conference
09:40 A - Propagation - 1 Sabine von Hunerbein
11:40 B - Propagation - 2 Susanne Koenecke
13:00 Lunch
14:00 C - Mode Management Bo Sondergaard
15:40 D - Guidelines & Regulations David Ecotiere
17:20 E - Forum "Are we moving towards a consensus on WTN regulation" Matthew Cand
Wednesday 19:30 Conference Dinner at The Harbourmaster
Thursday 08:30 F - Source Noise-1 Michaela Herr
10:20 G - Source Noise - 2 Cordula Hornung
11:50 H - Forum - Wind turbine noise reduction: beyond serration… Franck Bertagnolio
12:40 Lunch
13:40 I - Impact on People - 1 Gundula Huebner
15:30 J - Impact on People - 2 David Michaud
17:10 K - FORUM on Impact on People. Principal speaker Julia Kirch Kirkegaard Mark Bastasch
Friday 08:30 L - Compliance Emily Tilbury
10:30 M - Miscellany including AM David Colby
12:30 Lunch
13:30 N - Tonal Noise Roger Drobietz
15:30 Conference Ends - Conversation and Coffee etc



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